DECADE (2011 – 2020)

1) Evangelism and spiritual revival

  1. Spiritual revival within worshiping communities
  2. Renewal of commitment for discipleship and evangelism
  3. Inculcating a spirituality rooted in prayer, fasting, offering, reflection and action.


2) Congregational renewal

  1. Locating the congregation at the Centre of missiological praxis (action and reflection) • Ministerial formation of laity
  2. Broadening the vision and mission of pastoral praxis towards service of the marginalized, oppressed and vulnerable
  3. Developing theologies, liturgies and lectionaries rooted in context of local congregation.

3) Restructuring the structure

  1. Transparency, accountability and responsibility
  2. Devolution of hierarchical power and authority
  3. Financial accountability at all levels
  4. Stewardship of resources including God’s whole creation
  5. Equipping weaker dioceses for holistic development.

4) Education for liberation and social inclusion

  1. Contextually relevant theological education for laity, clergy and bishops
  2. Value based education at all levels
  3. Strengthening Sunday school movement
  4. Equipping youth for governance structure including civil services
  5. Special education for those with special needs • Building leadership through residential child care.

5) Building communities of healing and reconciliation

  1. Working with vulnerable communities: Children, senior citizens, people with HIV/AIDS and differently abled Persons
  2. Commitment to gender justice and overcoming violence
  3. Women’s empowerment through self-employment
  4. Working towards health and healing for all
  5. To create healing communities through interfaith and interfaith initiatives for common action.


6) Protection of life and livelihood for the fullness of life

  1. Solidarity with dalits, adivasis and tribal communities.


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