Welcome To The Synod of The Church of North India

“The Church of North India as a United and Uniting together is committed to announce the Good News of the reign of God inaugurated through death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in proclamation and to demonstrate in actions to restore the integrity of God’s creation through continuous struggle against the demonic powers by breaking down the barriers of caste, class, gender, economic inequality and exploitation of the nature.”

CNI Synod Office Bearers

Moderator, CNI Synod

The Most Revd. B.K. Nayak

Acting Deputy Moderator,

CNI Synod

The Rt. Revd. Manoj Charan

 General Secretary, CNI Synod

The Revd. Dr. D.J. Ajith Kumar

Treasurer, CNI Synod

Mr. Subrata Gorai


The Church of North India as a United and Uniting together is committed to announce the Good News of the reign of God inaugurated through
death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in proclamation
and to demonstrate in actions to restore the integrity of
God’s creation through continuous struggle against the
demonic powers by breaking down the barriers of caste,
class, gender, economic inequality and exploitation of the nature.

The North India Church Review (NICR), Monthly Magazine

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